Saturday, January 22, 2011

40 Days 40 Bags

The stockings hung on the wall (no fireplace here) and stared at me day in and day out. Tonight, I finally defeated their taunting glares. 

I'm starting over. It is a new year after all. And yes, I do realize it's already 22 days into the year. I'm a little slow:)

One of my friends recently posted something on FB about how she was going to declutter her home in 40 days. One bag a day. Yeah! What a great way to get motivated to take control of my house. 

For me, physical clutter turns into emotional clutter. The more stuff I have staring at me, the more stuff I have to think about. So as part of my processing, I have decided to do the 40 Days 40 Bags method of decluttering.

I'm going to fix my crap to space ratio, one bag at a time! 

1 comment:

Uniquely Normal Mom said...

I'm SO with ya on this! When my house is really messy, I feel out of control. My hubby is finally realize I can't "just relax" when I know there are dishes to be done. You said it best: it turns into emotional instability.