Several years ago, I started this blog as a way to help me understand what was going on in my life as a Step-Mom. It ended up being a place where I vented...and it became very negative...because I was feeling very negative and frustrated with my situation. (Who hasn't, right?!) So I stopped making posts for about two years. Now, I'm back and I have a lot to share...and this time around, it won't be so negative:)
Now let me take you back to the summer of 2005 and we'll start from the beginning...
On July 14, 2005, I met Dave. I will never forget that fact, I will never forget the entire weekend we spent together. We were both volunteering at The Greenman Music Festival in Duluth. I came by myself, and Dave came with his friend. Maybe it was all the fun loving hippies we were surrounded by, or maybe it was something else, but by the end of that weekend I knew Dave and I would be together for a very long time. The problem: he lived in MSP and I did too at the time, but I was moving to Duluth at the end of the month.
Obviously the story doesn't end let me continue...
The festival was over and life went on. I won't go into too many details about the times that Dave and I were dating, but one particular day does stand out in my memory. It was about two weeks after Greenman and I was over at Dave's house meeting his roommates and friends. Someone asked Dave about Maya. His daughter. His daughter? He has a daughter?! Huh???
It was like a punch in the stomach...sort of...and not neccessarily in a bad way...just very unexpected news! Now I'm not going to lie, I was pretty mad that Dave hadn't told me from the beginning. However, Dave and I spent lots of time talking about it after I found out and I can see his perspective now, in hind-sight. He liked me and didn't want to scare me away, and in all honesty, I might have made the same choice if I were in his shoes. His life with Maya was complicated...
Stay tuned for Part 2...and maybe Part 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and...well you get the point...I have lots to say!
How did all the other Step-Moms out there find out there were kids involved in your relationships?
THAT would've been an interesting date - it' surely would have sparked quite the response from me!
I'm excited to peer into your mind and here about your process from dating someone with a daughter, to marrying that man and becoming a stepmom.
It has been quite the adventure...thanks for being here!
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