Thursday, December 2, 2010

Parallel Lives

When Maya was born, I was a junior in high school. Two months later, my first nephew was born. While Dave and Maya's Mom were learning how to be parents to Maya, I was nannying little Charlie when my sister went back to work. 

When Maya was one, I graduated high school, turned down a volleyball scholarship, and took a semester off.

When Maya was two, I enrolled at a state university in the music education program. 

When Maya was three, I had transfered to a different school for their music therapy program.

When Maya was four, I was still at the same school but was no longer in music therapy. I had my second major battle with depression, and dropped out of school. I moved in with my parents who had moved to MSP while I was in college. 

When Maya was five, I was still living at my parent's house. I was working full-time at REI selling climbing gear and belaying at the climbing wall. It was a really great time in my life. Later that year I took a month long road trip to Alaska via Montana, Utah, Washington, Utah again, Washington again, and then finally Alaska:) I took a job guiding kayak trips in the Kenai Fjords National Park. That summer I fell in love with Alaska and looked for ways I could stay in Alaska. I would've stayed, but the woman I had agreed to live-in nanny for ended up having an abusive ex and I decided I didn't want to be a part of that situation. So I moved back in with my parents.

When Maya was six, she and I met.

When Maya was seven, Dave and I were engaged and married.

When Maya was eight, Dave filed for custody after he found out some sad truths. That fall, I had my first baby. Little Michael.

When Maya was nine, we were engaged in a full out custody battle and I was battling with anxiety and depression.

When Maya was ten, we were out of family court and establishing new routines. Stability for me and Maya was just beginning.

When Maya was (still is actually) eleven, Maya's Mom and I started talking. We started attending Maya's events together. I had my second silly monkey MacKean:) There is real stability in Maya and my lives. Hurtful people are gone. Old enemies are new friends. 

Now as Maya is approaching twelve, I am hopeful. Happy.


Uniquely Normal Mom said...

Very interesting when you break down the age timeline.

Thanks for sharing!

Shirley said...

Thanks for sharing Lynnae. You are an awesome writer! Love, Mom

Lynnae said...

Thanks Mom:)

This was a really fun exercise for me to do! My post wasn't going to be like this, but then it sort of progressed into this breakdown of Maya and my lives. As I was going through what Maya and I were doing at the same times, I realized something. God wanted me to be involved with a step-family...almost like this is my reach out to other step-moms and step-families in general. If I had stayed in Alaska, I would've lived in one...and even though I came back home, I am in one. I tried to escape the situation by coming home, but ended up in an even more personal custody situation!