Thursday, December 23, 2010

the knot

Four years ago today Dave, Maya and I tied the knot.

photo by Michael B Weddings

We each had a piece of climbing cord. Each piece of cord linked us to one another.

photo by Michael B Weddings
Dave and I chose to do this instead of lighting a unity candle. The double fisherman's knot was (still is) symbolic for us because the more stress you put on it, the stronger it gets.  

Four years ago today I knot (ha ha, get it?) only married the man of my dreams, but I married the daughter of my dreams. These two have challenged me to be a better person. They have been there for me through thick and thin.

photo by Michael B Weddings
Maya taught me how to be her Step-Mom and loves me even though I make mistakes.

She supported me when I was crying in the ER as my little Michael was getting stitches.

Maya has blessed me by being the best big sister I could have asked for to my boys.

photo by Haines Photography

Dave has held my hand and promised to love me forever, no matter how many times I screw up. And I do screw up...

Dave has become the father I never knew he could be. He loves his kids and they love him. He comforts them when they are sad, cheers for them when they try something new, and picks them up when they fall.  

We have gone from this little family... this in a matter of four years. The years have been challenging, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I love you Dave, Maya, Michael and MacKean!
Here's to many more years together!


Sandy Hanson said...

A beautiful wed sight (LoL)..I mean web sight... created by a beautiful woman, wife, mother, and step mother. Thank you for creating this and for your touching stories.

Shirley said...

Oh Lynnae, you made me cry today. Tears of happiness for all the joy you have brought me and how proud I am of your life! I love how you have become such a woman of character and a beautiful wife, mother, and friend! Your story today about the knot brought back all the memories of your beautiful wedding ceremony. Dad and I are both so proud of you and Dave! Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

awesome post! reread it to yourself on the hard days- what a great reminder of life's blessings! -bekah