Saturday, September 10, 2011

engagement site

We took a little pit stop on the way home from family vacation. Maya asked if she could see the place where  her Dad and I got engaged:)

As we made our way to Spirit Mountain, a whole flood of emotions came rushing into my heart. There are so many memories brought back to life just by physically being in that location. This is the place where Dave and I met, fell in love, and got engaged.

What happened next was pretty much the most adorable thing ever! MacKean decided he wanted a kiss too. He has never given real kisses before! But as soon as he saw Dave and I kiss there, he wanted to kiss me over and over and over...

The great thing about MacKean learning to kiss...he's not biting anymore! He has been in a biting stage for a month or two now and I kept telling him, "no MacKean, we use our mouth to kiss, not to bite". Apparently that didn't sink in until that moment on Spirit Mountain!

So thank you Spirit Mountain for reminding me of so many special times and for now creating a new one. I'll always remember that day as the day MacKean learned to kiss.

Happy Friday,
The Other Mother


Stephanie Clark said...

How precious!! Gives me the warm fuzzies, pics are great!!

Sandy Hanson said...

Beautiful place, beautiful story.

Shirley said...

I love that story!

Lynnae said...

Thanks Ladies! It was very sweet:)