I don't always take the time to do this, but when I do it is always worth it.
Last night, my Michael wanted to sleep downstairs in my bed. I obliged because I just don't see the harm. I mean, how many teenagers do you know that still like to sleep with their parents?! Plus, since he and MacKean share a room, I don't often get a chance to really talk to him at bedtime because I don't want to wake MacKean. But I digress...
So last night as I was tucking Michael in, we had a conversation that went a little something like this...
Me: "Michael, I love you sooooo much"
Michael: "I love you too Mommy"
Me: "I am so happy to be your Mommy"
Michael: "I'm really happy you're my Mommy too"
It wasn't a long conversation, but the way he said it made me feel so special. My heart just melts when Michael and I have our heart to hearts:) Sometimes I get insecure about my relationship with Michael (shhh! that is a secret!) because he is a bit too much like me..and our very strong personalities have a tendency to clash more often than I'd like.
Then, when the boys are in bed I like to go up to Maya's room, lay in her bed (or beanbag) silently, and wait for her to start talking:) I get to hear about her friends, the books she is reading, and her views on life in general. I like knowing what is going on in her head...she is almost a teenager and before she is, I want her to know she can talk to me about anything. Anything.
I never took the time to talk to my Mom like Maya and I talk. My teenage years were difficult for all involved and I didn't make it easy for my parents in the least. In fact, I still apologize to my parents for my teenage behavior!
How do you get your kids and stepkids to open up? Do you have any cute stories to share?
Good thoughts, Lynnae. Bedtime is when I talk to Matthew & Julia as well. It's a nice, quiet time where there are no 'distractions' like TV, computers, DS games, lights, etc. It's a much better environment for talk and listening. Love it! Keep up the great work, super-mom. Love you guys!
I love watching you parent and love your children! You make me proud! Love you!
Exactly Todd! No distractions!
Thanks Mom:)
Of course, after I write this today, now tonight we are having one of Michael's famous bedtime battles...these are the nights that make me want to pull my hair out!!!
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