I don't always take the time to do this, but when I do it is always worth it.
Last night, my Michael wanted to sleep downstairs in my bed. I obliged because I just don't see the harm. I mean, how many teenagers do you know that still like to sleep with their parents?! Plus, since he and MacKean share a room, I don't often get a chance to really talk to him at bedtime because I don't want to wake MacKean. But I digress...
So last night as I was tucking Michael in, we had a conversation that went a little something like this...
Me: "Michael, I love you sooooo much"
Michael: "I love you too Mommy"
Me: "I am so happy to be your Mommy"
Michael: "I'm really happy you're my Mommy too"
It wasn't a long conversation, but the way he said it made me feel so special. My heart just melts when Michael and I have our heart to hearts:) Sometimes I get insecure about my relationship with Michael (shhh! that is a secret!) because he is a bit too much like me..and our very strong personalities have a tendency to clash more often than I'd like.
Then, when the boys are in bed I like to go up to Maya's room, lay in her bed (or beanbag) silently, and wait for her to start talking:) I get to hear about her friends, the books she is reading, and her views on life in general. I like knowing what is going on in her head...she is almost a teenager and before she is, I want her to know she can talk to me about anything. Anything.
I never took the time to talk to my Mom like Maya and I talk. My teenage years were difficult for all involved and I didn't make it easy for my parents in the least. In fact, I still apologize to my parents for my teenage behavior!
How do you get your kids and stepkids to open up? Do you have any cute stories to share?